Personal Things About Me
Welcome to my web page I'm very new to this side of the net and am looking forward to adding to my site as my experience grows.
I live in Ontario, Canada in one of the small towns that make up what is more commonly known as "Muskoka". We are the playground for cottagers, campers and tourists. I live near Lake Muskoka but seldom go to it as it gets so crowded in the summer. The winters here are cold and very snowy. But that doesn't stop us local people from having a good time. We have our yearly winter carnivals, snowmobile runs for charity, Dog sled racing, and my personal favorite....puddle jumping. This is where people get on their snow machines and jump/skip over open water. It's quite a site! I always get a laugh when the machine and driver don't make it and end up in the lake....and the stand-by fire fighters (all volunteers) go and rescue the machine..leaving the person to wade to shore on their own! It is an orgainzed event and is safe.
I also love to ride my horse(that's her on the border). She is 24 years old (as of 1999) and is the most gentle kindest horse I have ever met. She was my dream come true. I have yearned for a horse ever since my parents made the mistake of putting me on a pony at the age of five. I was well and truly hooked! I've only had Chulita (Chew-lee-ta) for 8 years. I have ridden her in the Christmas Parade, into town, through the bush/forest and on trails and along busy roads. Unfortunately this past summer delt us both a blow....and I was forced to retire her. She has Osteosarthrits in both back legs..and will now live out the rest of her life safely and lovinly with me.
Tessa my pup is now in her 2nd year..and she's quite the hand full. Bossy and always trying to "herd" the family as this is her breeding. She's a Border Collie.
As for the human part of my family....I have two older sisters and one older brother..which makes me the baby of the family. My siblings are located in different areas of Ontario so my parents and I don't get to see them as often as we'd like to. I am the aunt to 2 nieces and 4 nephews..all of them now quite grown up from 14-20 yrs old. My parents are both healthy and enjoying their retirement years. They camp every summer and are involved with different organizations.
I take a great interest in gardening and am already planning what I'll be doing with the flower and veggie gardens this summer. I have a fascination with astronomy which my dad fuels with his interest in the same field. We have many discussions on the stars, planets and constellations. He teaches and I listen. I love all kinds of music but am partial to new country.
I also have a wonderful Cyber family and many net friends. When I first come online the first person I chatted with is now my Cyber mom and I now have many cyber siblings. Some of us have met....some have not. But I would like to meet them all someday.
I'm glad you stopped in to vist. Now that you know more about me perhaps we too will meet in a chat and you could become part of my family!
Please sign my guest book before you leave. I love getting messages from people and seeing where they are from and how they found this site.
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